When flying abroad, the majority of us have only ever had the opportunity to take the one and only – Economy Class. This is all very well, but if you’re a tall man like myself, then you’ll begin to see the problems, quickly. Being 6 foot 4 has some advantages, I can dust the shelves, I can even reach some of those hidden snacks that my Family try so desperately to hide from me. But, when it comes to flying – I am doomed to live a significant amount time in agony. My legs to be hunched up, my back arched up and my media screen to be push up my nose, yes – you could say flying is a scary thing for me. When it came time for my holiday earlier in 2016, I decided I’d try out British Airways – a new airline that I had not yet explored.
Back in February 2016 I booked my flight to Paris with British Airways:
“Would you like to choose Business class or higher?” My travel agent asked
I immediately turned down saying “No Thanks, I’m trying to save money for my trip.”
“It’s not actually that expensive as you might think.” She mentioned.
I didn’t bother to believe her at the time, everyone has the preconceptions of Travel Agents trying to sell you unnecessary add-ons and other things you really don’t think you need. Upon arrival at the airport I saw there was a British Airways Lounge, exclusively for Premium Economy, Business Class and higher – also known as The Club World lounge. I was immediately fascinated and had a slight “FOMO” moment because I couldn’t get in. I vowed one day I’d be back.
Anyways, to summarise my first British Airways experience in one word: Amazing. Their new fleet of planes, also known as the “Airbus” has a great amount of space and an even better amount of leg room for a tall guy like me. I was really impressed going to and from my destination.
Fast-forward to December 2016, I needed to go on a mini business trip to London and I immediately knew that I would be going with British Airways. I booked my ticket and this time I knew that I had to share my experience with everyone. Thankfully, British Airways had upgraded me to Business Class. These were uncharted territories for me and immediately I felt super important (and inside I was bursting with excitement).
Upon arriving at the Airport I checked in and they told me to go directly to The Club World Lounge, this was my chance to redeem my promise to myself that I had made in February earlier in the year. The staff were so friendly and made me feel at home, without any questions they gave me the wifi password, I knew we were going to get along just fine! I walked in and they let me store my hand luggage in the safety compartment and I sat down with a wonderful glass of wine and snacks. The selection within the lounge was phenomenal! If I didn’t have another meal coming on the plane I’m so sure I would of eaten as much as possible.
After my snacks and a good amount of YouTube, they let us know that it was time to board the flight. Something amazing was about to happen, the only thing was I didn’t know it. I arrived at the Boarding Gate and the lady told me I had a “Fast Track” pass which means I could step to the left and I’d be able to skip the queue. Well, time stood still and in my head: I was on a game show and there was confetti falling and I had just won the jackpot. This was real, I could actually SKIP A QUEUE! That in itself for me was one of the highlights of my trip – I honestly (and wholeheartedly) kid you not.
I walked into the plane and they told me my seating was just down the aisle. What I saw was any long-legged persons dream. The seat was basically like a pod, You could sit down, stretch out and then it actually unfolded into a bed. It had your own personal hand luggage container just above you, another drawer next to you and a great tray and media player for your inflight experience. I sat down and was served champagne and even more snacks. Life was great at this point.
I just couldn’t get over the space, I was so impressed. I could stretch, move around and more more like I had my own personal bed in the sky, well I did, but you know what I mean! We we’re served some delicious dinner which you can see below, I was so impressed by the food and the effort they put into it. It really felt like a restaurant. What’s super important is that they cater for different cultures and culinary preferences. If you’re vegan, vegetarian, halal or prefer some other type of foodie there are options for you. It’s convenient because you can book your meal pre-hand on the British Airways site.
Afterwards, I was super full which mean’t that it was movie time! I switched onto the British Airways entertainment system which they call “High Life Entertainment.” They have a wide range of Movies, TV Series and other content such as kiddie shows and more. You can even take a sneak peak onto whats new by clicking HERE. I ended up watching two movies which I had mean’t to go see on circuit. I was fortunate enough for High Life to have them already loaded on the system!
Overall my experience was extremely lush and I enjoyed every minute of it. I would absolutely suggest travelling Business Class any day, it’s an absolute pleasure and honestly, sitting in a plane for a tedious amount of time can really be annoying in certain circumstances, but if you take the steps to make yourself a lot more comfortable then there is really nothing you can worry about. As a person who has never travelled past economy I can truly say that this was an experience that I will definitely be repeating in the future. It was an absolute pleasure flying with British Airways and I thank them graciously for the opportunity!
To live out the dream I just did, you can book your next adventure or your favourite holiday destination with British Airways. Visit their website now (www.britishairways.com) to have a look at their amazing specials, fantastic prices and most importantly to make sure you check the Business Class box just this once. it’s 2017, treat yourself!
Also, watch my personal YouTube Vlog on the Plane below: