To celebrate their 20th birthday, NetFlorist is inviting South Africans from all walks of life to share stories of people who have gone the extra mile to make the world a better and kinder place. The campaign starts April 1st 2019, and people are encouraged to participate with acts of goodwill during the first 20 days of April. South Africa’s sender of smiles wants to remind people to recognise the positive around them and surprise someone nice with something special.
Caught up in the stress of everyday life, we often forget to thank acquaintances, strangers, friends, colleagues and sometimes even family for making our life a little easier, safer or just plain nicer. We have instances where we need people and they show up such as the car guard that escorted you to your car in the rain under his umbrella, the gentleman in the Polo that stopped to help you with your flat tyre, or the lady that let you go first in the Checkers queue because you were in a hurry.
Thankers can share these stories using the hashtag #20daysofnice on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and together with NetFlorist, they will make the world a little more positive, one thank you gift at a time.
At least 20 of the nice people behind these stories will receive a gift from NetFlorist on behalf of the post to say a simple ‘thank you’ because random acts of kindness should not go unnoticed. Hopefully this campaign of positivity will remind South Africans that a little bit of gratitude and niceness go a long way to making our country, and the world, a better, happier place.